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Ensendada Baga California, Mexico

We spent 2 months on the Pacific Aurora helping the owners Boris and Shirley with various tasks on board ship.  Our jobs varied from rust treatment/painting on the decks and railings, cleaning/polishing brass, decks and cabins to Ged helping in the engine room and repairing wooden hand rail s and myself cooking in the galley. We had such a great time . We started off our sea adventure moored in the bay until Boris and Shirley arranged a semi permanent mooring on a working ship yard near the Naval base about a 30 minute walk from the town. When we were given temporary charge of the ship while Boris and Shirley went home to Canada we carried on with our duties taking really good care of the lovely Pacific Aurora. We almost finished painting the ship. We got to know and spend time with the local people who took us under their wings.

We loved Ensenada and made a lot of friends. What we do not miss though is the noisy colony of sea lions that woke us too early in the morning :)

Captain Boris King and first mate Ged

Captain Boris and Shirley King - the crew

Detail work ready for painting

Gallery slave

Tea break

We were moored on a working ship yard so every time we stepped off the ship it was hard hats on to the gates of the yard.

Off to get the groceries.

Our noisy neighbours

Some of our handy work - finished paint work and detailing on the bow of the ship.